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Stueckelberg oscillations in a two-state two-path model of a conical intersection

  • The two-state two-path model is introduced as a minimized model to describe the quantum dynamics of an electronic wave packet in the vicinity of a conical intersection. It involves two electronic potential energy surfaces each of which hosts a pair of quasi-classical trajectories over which the wave packet is assumed to be delocalized. When both trajectories evolve dynamically either diabatically or adiabatically, the full wave packet dynamics shows only features of the dynamics around avoided level crossings in the vicinity of the conical intersection. When one trajectory evolves adiabatically whereas the other trajectory follows a diabatic evolution, quantum mechanical interference of the wave packet components on each path generates Stueckelberg oscillations in the transition probability. These are surprisingly robust against a dissipative environment and, thus, should be a marker for conical intersections.

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Author:Peter Nalbach, Samaneh Javanbakth, Christopher Stahl, Michael Thorwart
Parent Title (English):Annalen der Physik
Document Type:Article
Date of Publication (online):2016/12/14
Date of first Publication:2016/10/27
Publishing Institution:Westfälische Hochschule Gelsenkirchen Bocholt Recklinghausen
Release Date:2017/01/03
Tag:conical intersection; nonadiabatic dynamics; open quantum systems
Departments / faculties:Fachbereiche / Wirtschaft und Informationstechnik Bocholt
Licence (German):License LogoEs gilt das Urheberrechtsgesetz

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