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Magnus expansion for a chirped quantum two-level system

  • We derive a Magnus expansion for a frequency chirped quantum two-level system. We obtain a time-independent effective Hamiltonian which generates a stroboscopic time evolution. At lowest order the according dynamics is identical to results from using a rotating wave approximation. We determine, furthermore, also the next higher-order corrections within our expansion scheme in correspondence to the Bloch-Siegert shifts for harmonically driven systems. Importantly, our scheme can be extended to more complicated systems, i.e., even many-body systems.

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Author:Peter Nalbach, Vicente Leyton
Parent Title (English):Physical Review A
Document Type:Article
Date of Publication (online):2018/12/21
Year of first Publication:2018
Publishing Institution:Westfälische Hochschule Gelsenkirchen Bocholt Recklinghausen
Release Date:2019/01/11
First Page:023855
Departments / faculties:Fachbereiche / Wirtschaft und Informationstechnik Bocholt
Licence (German):License LogoEs gilt das Urheberrechtsgesetz

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