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Opportunities and Challenges in Mixed-Reality for an Inclusive Human-Robot Collaboration Environment

  • This paper presents an approach to enhance robot control using Mixed-Reality. It highlights the opportunities and challenges in the interaction design to achieve a Human-Robot Collaborative environment. In fact, Human-Robot Collaboration is the perfect space for social inclusion. It enables people, who suffer severe physical impairments, to interact with the environment by providing them movement control of an external robotic arm. Now, when discussing about robot control it is important to reduce the visual-split that different input and output modalities carry. Therefore, Mixed-Reality is of particular interest when trying to ease communication between humans and robotic systems.

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Author:Stephanie Arévalo-Arboleda, Max Pascher, Jens Gerken
Parent Title (English):Konferenz: The 1st International Workshop on Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed Reality for Human-Robot Interactions (VAM-HRI), 5. März 2018 in Chicago (USA) The 1st International Workshop on Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed Reality for Human-Robot Interactions (VAM-HRI), held in conjunction with ACM/IEEE Human-Robot Interaction
Document Type:Conference Proceeding
Date of Publication (online):2018/12/26
Year of first Publication:2018
Publishing Institution:Westfälische Hochschule Gelsenkirchen Bocholt Recklinghausen
Release Date:2019/01/17
Tag:Augmented Reality; Human-Robot Interaction
GND Keyword:Erweiterte Realität <Informatik>; Mixed Reality; Tetraplegie
Departments / faculties:Fachbereiche / Informatik und Kommunikation
Licence (German):License LogoEs gilt das Urheberrechtsgesetz

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