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Carolin, Göthe, a traveling salesman and the art of computer science

  • At the beginning of the pandemic in Feb. 2020 I had a little time and wanted to do something new i.e. bring my 3D printer, AI and computer science together somehow. The result is a printed portrait with a lot of computer science. Using style transfer I transferred the etching style of a Göthe portrait to a young girl I call Carolin. By means of image processing I made a black and white picture out of it. Then, using the problem of the traveling salesman, each black point in the picture is interpreted as a city and the whole picture is drawn by only one line. Since this line is very long, it is optimized and shortened by a so-called simulated annealing algorithm. The result is printed in 5 layers on a 3D printer.

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Author:Hartmut Surmann
Document Type:video
Date of Publication (online):2022/01/10
Year of first Publication:2021
Publishing Institution:Westfälische Hochschule Gelsenkirchen Bocholt Recklinghausen
Release Date:2022/01/10
GND Keyword:Bildverarbeitung; Inferenz <Künstliche Intelligenz>; Robotik; Travelling-salesman-Problem
Departments / faculties:Fachbereiche / Informatik und Kommunikation
Licence (German):License LogoCreative Commons - Namensnennung - Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen

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