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- PEM Electrolysis, Hydrogen, Hydraulic Compression, High Pressure (1)
- PEM fuel cells; electrode preparation; carbon nanofibers; in-situ performance test (1)
- Peer Assessment (1)
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- Polymer-Elektrolytmembran-Brennstoffzelle (1)
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- Wärmepumpen, VDI 4645, Jahresarbeitszahl, Wärmewende, Bewertungstool (1)
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- Institut für Internetsicherheit (69)
- Westfälisches Institut für Gesundheit (63)
- Informatik und Kommunikation (45)
- Westfälisches Energieinstitut (38)
- Maschinenbau Bocholt (29)
- Wirtschaft und Informationstechnik Bocholt (26)
- Elektrotechnik und angewandte Naturwissenschaften (22)
- Wirtschaftsrecht (8)
- Institut für biologische und chemische Informatik (6)
- Institut für Innovationsforschung und -management (5)
So far, there are several approaches of measuring the Dark Triad traits, but still all of them are
personality questionnaires with at least questionable usability for applied contexts such as Human
Resource Management.
The purpose of the study is the development of a structured interview with the aim of measuring the Dark Triad in a rather qualitative way that increases social validity for the respondents.
In the present study, 15 executives from the telecommunications industry were interviewed on their personal evaluation of management success and derailment. Afterwards, their personality traits of the Dark Triad were measured with the help of the Short Dark Triad Scale. Subsequently, the data from qualitative and quantitative research were examined for correlations using the mixed-method approach.
The results of the mixed-method approach showed a statistically significant correlation between the Short Dark Triad Scale and the ratings for narcissism, Machiavellianism and subclinical psychopathy in the Dark Triad interview.
Replicating the results in a bigger sample and a deeper investigation of the criterion-related validity as well as an integration of multiple raters can provide more confidence in our results.
Research/Practical Implications
Structured interviews allow the measurement of personality traits in a more convenient way especially in personnel selection and development processes. Identifying subclinical traits in leadership candidates can, e.g. prevent management derailment.
The present study advances the measurement methods of the Dark Triad.
Although the systemic approach to the leadership concept seems to fit well into our modern complex and dynamic work environment, only little research has been conducted to define and assess systemic leadership. In this study we therefore developed and assessed criterion validity of the
multidimensional systemic leadership inventory (SLI, Sülzenbrück & Externbrink, 2017).
We conducted two cross-sectional survey among managers and employees of various organizations (N = 143 and N = 150).
We found a robust five-factor structure of the SLI, comprising systemic thinking, self-knowledge, solution-oriented communication, creating meaning and delegation. Regarding criterion validity, a significant positive correlation of systemic leadership was found with affective commitment, while a significant negative correlation with emotional strain in occupational contexts occurred. These overall positive outcomes for employees were not undermined by negative personality traits of the employee (Machiavellianism), while strong growth need strength further enhanced positive effects on affective commitment.
Since all variables were measured as self-reports, common method variance could limit our findings.
Practical Implications
Systemic leadership is a very promising new approach for leaders to ensure committed and less strained employees.
Systemic leadership, especially in terms of a leaders’ understanding of organizational and private systems influencing work behaviour of all members of an organization, is a promising novel leadership model suitable to address challenges of complex and dynamic work environments.
Although courage has generally been understood as a powerful virtue, research to establish it as a psychological construct is in its infancy. We examined courage in organizations against the backdrop of positive psychology with a design in the Grounded Theory tradition that connects Positive Organizational Behavior and Positive Organizational Scholarship.
The sample consists of organizations that define courage in their mission statement and organizations without such a definition. It includes employees and executives, exploring workplace courage on the macro as well as the micro level. Eleven organizations and 23 participants contributed to the interview study.
Applying Glaser's theoretical coding, specifically the C-family, we propose that courage arises from a decisional conflict in three major domains: the self, social interaction, and performance. It is located on a continuum between apathy and foolhardiness and can take on reactive, proactive, or autonomous forms. Whether and to what extent courage manifests, is a dynamic process contingent upon organizational structure, culture, and communication climate as well as individual cognitiveaffective personality systems.
The model depicts the complexity of the phenomenon, rather than details of its individual components. It goes beyond pre-defined categories and prevailing definitions.
Modern organizations are characterized by volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity (VUCA).
Courage is crucial in such an environment and can be systematically fostered across the whole human
resource management cycle.
The study advances theory building on courage in the workplace and highlights its potential to be
measured, developed and managed for more effective work performance.
Impact of Team Members’ Competence on the Development of Team Mental Models and Team Performance
Biomechanische Untersuchungen zum Öffnungsmechanismus von verholzten Früchten der Gattung Hakea
Die Arten H. sericea und H. salicifolia (Proteaceae) sind in Australien heimisch. Ihr natürlicher Lebensraum ist trocken und nährstoffarm, und sie sind regelmäßig Buschbränden ausgesetzt. Durch den Feuchtigkeitsverlust “schrumpft“ die Frucht und öffnet sich, wobei zwei Samen freigesetzt werden. Diese Arbeit vergleicht das Öffnungsverhalten von manipulierten Früchten, das Schwindmaß, die Öffnungskraft, den Elastizitätsmodul und die Druckfestigkeit der beiden Arten und untersucht den Einfluss verschiedener Gewebe auf die Öffnung. Es wird festgestellt, dass das Mesokarp hauptsächlich für das anisotrope Schwindverhalten verantwortlich ist.
Hakea sericea und H. salicifolia sind strauch- bis baumförmige Arten der Familie Proteaceae. Ursprünglich aus Australien stammend, breiten sie sich zunehmend in Neuseeland, Portugal, Südspanien und Südafrika invasiv aus. In Portugal wurden beide Arten als Ziergewächs, Windschutz und Heckenpflanze eingeführt und verdrängen nun heimische Arten. Die erfolgreiche Etablierung der beiden Arten hängt mit der Ausbreitungsbiologie zusammen. Die Balgfrüchte zeigen eine ausgeprägte Serotinie und verbleiben oft über Jahre an der Mutterpflanze. Erst durch Waldbrände oder starke Austrocknung öffnen sich die Früchte und geben dabei zwei geflügelte Samen frei. Während der Öffnung deformieren sich die beiden Fruchthälften stark und reißen dabei zunächst über die Bauchnaht und anschließend über die Rückenseite auf. Dieses Öffnungsverhalten ist innerhalb der Proteaceae nur für die Gattung Hakea beschrieben und für Balgfrüchte, zu denen sie dennoch gezählt werden, ungewöhnlich. Die Bruchoberflächen der verschiedenen Gewebe zeigen dabei unterschiedliche Rauigkeiten. Die Gewebe der abaxialen Seite (Rückenseite) reißen dabei mit einer glatteren Bruchfläche als die Gewebe der adaxialen Seite (Bauchseite). In dieser Arbeit werden Rauheitsparameter der Bruchoberflächen auf zufälligen Profillinien mit einem Konfokalmikroskop für die verschiedene Gewebe der Oberflächen ermittelt. Das Propagieren des Risses durch die verschiedenen Gewebe wird anhand der Ausrichtung und Lage der Zellen in den beiden Seiten der Fruchthälften erläutert. Es wird diskutiert, inwieweit sich die unterschiedlich rauen Bruchoberflächen auf die Öffnung und die dafür nötigen Kräfte auswirken. Erste Ansätze zur Optimierung von technischen Sollbruchstellen werden vorgeschlagen.
The concept of “Internationalisation at Home“ has gained momentum with the increasing digitalization of education and limitations on mobility. Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) is an innovative, cost-effective instructional method that promotes intercul-tural learning through online collaboration between faculty and students from different countries or locations. The benefits of using COIL courses have been widely recognized, with learners developing intercultural competencies, digital skills, international education experi-ence, and global awareness.
However, multicultural communication in project environments can be complex and demand awareness of cultural variations . The creation and development of effective cross-cultural collectivism, trust, communication, and empathy in leadership is an important ingredient for remote project collaborations success. This is an area that has been least explored in re-search on communication in virtual teams.
The GIPE projects are mainly carried out as so-called Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) events. However, to gain a “real world“ experience abroad in an intercultural team, students from all partner universities can participate in the Spring School being held for two weeks in Germany and the Germany students present and hand-over the results in the country of the partner university. The main objective of this research was to examine the experiences of students participating in the GIPE project and to evaluate the effectiveness of the project in enhancing intercultural competencies and fostering collaboration among stu-dents from different continents. This paper will also explore the implications of the GIPE project for Education 2.0 considering the COVID-19 pandemic and the future of education delivery and administration transformation.
Die verholzten Früchte der Art Hakea salicifolia öffnen sich bei Austrocknung, um Samen freizugeben. Der Öffnungsmechanismus könnte als Vorbild für selbstaktuierte Bewegungen von Bauteilen dienen. Um ihn zu verstehen, wird aus µCT-Scans einer getrockneten Frucht ein 3D-Modell generiert und additiv gefertigt, welches nur zwei Gewebetypen, nämlich Leitbündel und umgebendes Gewebe berücksichtigt. Druckprüfungen dieser Prüfkörper zeigen einen anisotropen E-Modul, der auf die Struktur der Leitbündel und den großen E-Modulunterschied der gewählten Materialien zurückzuführen ist. Die erhaltenen Daten sollen zur Verifikation eines FE-Modells herangezogen und dieses an das natürliche Vorbild angepasst werden, um die Öffnung der Früchte nachzuvollziehen.
Air Handling units (AHU) are designed to guarantee a high indoor air quality for any time and outdoor condition all over the year. To do so, the AHU removes particle matter like dust or pollen and adapts the thermophysical properties of air to the desired, seasonal indoor comfort conditions. AHU have a robust design and thus operate for more than fifteen years, sometimes even for decades. An AHU designed today must consider and anticipate the change of user needs as well as outdoor air conditions for the next twenty years. To anticipate the outdoor air condition of coming decades, scientific models exist, which allow the design of peak performance and capacities of the air treatment components. It is most likely, that the ongoing climate change will lead to higher temperatures as well as higher humidity, while the comfort zone of human beings will remain at today’s values. Next to the impact of global warming with average rise of mean air temperature local effects will influence the operation of AHU. On effect investigated here is the steep temperature increase in city centres called urban heat islands. Heating and cooling capacities as well as water consumption for humidification are investigated for a reference AHU for fifteen regional locations in Germany. These regions represent all climate zones within the country. Additionally, the urban heat island effect was investigated for Berlin Alexanderplatz compared a rural area close by. The AHU was chosen to operate in an intensive care unit of a hospital. The set-up leads to 24/7 operation with 8760 hours per year. The article presents the modelling of current and future weather data as well as the unit set up. The calculated hourly performance and capacity parameters for current (reference year 2012) and future weather data (reference year 2045) yield energy consumption and peak loads of the unit for heating, cooling and humidification. The results are displayed by relative comparisons of each performance value.