Document Type
- Part of a Book (9) (remove)
- Journalismus (4)
- World Wide Web 2.0 (3)
- Alternative Geschäftsmodelle (2)
- Gatekeeping (2)
- Graswurzel-Journalismus (2)
- Innovation (2)
- Online-Medien (2)
- Partizipativer Journalismus (2)
- Ökonomie (2)
- Chief Executive Officer (1)
Crowdfunding im Journalismus
The disruptive nature of the changing media landscape and technology-driven advances in communication have led to innovative ways of organizing work in the information and communication industry. This reorganization of work is reflected in the concept of New Work, which rethinks working concepts, styles, and employee behavior. Based on a survey among staff in the information and communication industry (n = 380), this study investigates the status quo of the implementation of New Work measures and their effectiveness in helping companies reach organizational goals. The results show that New Work measures are widely adopted although there is still unused potential. Moreover, the study demonstrates that the implementation of New Work measures supports companies in achieving New Work goals as well as overall organizational goals in the contexts of agile management, change management, internal communication, and evaluation.