Informatik und Kommunikation
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- Journalismus (14)
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- Datenjournalismus (3)
- Flugkörper (3)
- Kommunikationswissenschaft (3)
- Mikroprozessor (3)
- Online-Medien (3)
- Rettungsrobotik (3)
- Robotik (3)
- UAV (3)
- CD-ROM (2)
- Club-TV (2)
- Content-Marketing (2)
- Crowdfunding (2)
- Empirische Methoden (2)
- Erweiterte Realität <Informatik> (2)
- Fachjournalismus (2)
- Gatekeeping (2)
- Graswurzel-Journalismus (2)
- Human-Robot Interaction (2)
- Innovation (2)
- Intel-Prozessor (2)
- Kulturmanagement (2)
- Medienforschung (2)
- Medienrecht (2)
- Mikrocomputer (2)
- Mikroinformatik (2)
- Netzwerk-Medien (2)
- Partizipativer Journalismus (2)
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- Physik (2)
- Social Media (2)
- Tetraplegie (2)
- Trennungsgrundsatz (2)
- Twitter <Softwareplattform> (2)
- Werbung (2)
- Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten (2)
- Öffentlichkeitsarbeit (2)
- Ökonomie (2)
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- Akkreditierung (1)
- Akustik (1)
- Alltagsunterstützende Assistenzlösung (1)
- Arzneimittel (1)
- Assembler-Prgrammierung (1)
- Assisted living technologies (1)
- Assistive robotics (1)
- Atomphysik (1)
- Augmented Reality (1)
- Automatisierung (1)
- Automatisierung, Journalismus, Literaturüberblick (1)
- BSM (1)
- Bachelor-Studiengang (1)
- Befragung (1)
- Berufsfeldstudie (1)
- Bodily sensation maps (1)
- Boulevardisierung (1)
- Brand theory (1)
- Branding (1)
- COVID-19 (1)
- CRM (1)
- Chief Executive Officer (1)
- Commercial communication (1)
- Communication management (1)
- Continuous Queries (1)
- Curriculanormwert (1)
- Data Journalism (1)
- Datalog (1)
- Datenanalyse (1)
- Deductive Databases (1)
- Depression (1)
- Digital Tree Drawing Test, Cognitive Impairment, Mental Disorders, Classification, Random Forest (1)
- Digitale Speicher (1)
- Drawing (1)
- E-Learning (1)
- Elektrizitätslehre (1)
- Emotion induction (1)
- Entgrenzung (1)
- Enthüllungsjournalismus (1)
- Eventmanagement; digitale Events; interne Kommunikation (1)
- Fachgesellschaft (1)
- Fernsehnachrichten (1)
- Fernsehsendung (1)
- Festkörperphysik (1)
- Freundeskreis (1)
- Fuzzy-Optimierung (1)
- Galtung (1)
- Gatewatching (1)
- Greek dept crisis (1)
- Halbleiterspeicher (1)
- Hochschulbildung (1)
- Human-centered computing (1)
- IAPS (1)
- Incremental Evaluation (1)
- Integrierte Schaltung (1)
- Interaktion (1)
- Internationalisierung (1)
- Interrupt <Informatik> (1)
- Journalism (1)
- Journalistenausbildung (1)
- Kalman filter (1)
- Kernphysik (1)
- Kreditpunktesystem (1)
- Kulturelle Einrichtung (1)
- Kulturforschung (1)
- Kulturmarketing (1)
- Kultursponsoring (1)
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- MS-DOS (1)
- MS-DOS; Betriebssystem (1)
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- Media Brands (1)
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- Media law (1)
- Media positioning (1)
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- Medienethik (1)
- Mensch-Roboter (1)
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- Mikrocomputertechnik (1)
- Mikroprozessor-Technologie (1)
- Mixed Reality (1)
- Modularisierung (1)
- Nachrichtensendung (1)
- Nachrichtenwert (1)
- Nachrichtenwerttheorie (1)
- Netzkommunikation (1)
- Netzwerköffentlichkeit (1)
- New Work, Information and Communication Industry, Innovation, Organizational Goals, Survey (1)
- Normalisierung (1)
- Optik (1)
- PASCAL (1)
- PR (1)
- Painting (1)
- Pandemie (1)
- People with disabilities (1)
- Politikjournalismus (1)
- Politische Berichterstattung (1)
- Politische Kommunikation (1)
- Politische Wissenschaft (1)
- Principle of separation (1)
- Redaktion (1)
- Relativitätstheorie (1)
- Replication (1)
- Review (1)
- Robot assistive drinking (1)
- Robot assistive eating (1)
- Schwingung (1)
- Selbstverständnis (1)
- Software Tools (1)
- Sozialkompetenz (1)
- Sport-Marketing (1)
- Sportpublizistik (1)
- Streaming (1)
- TV-Journalismus (1)
- Thermodynamik (1)
- Trendstudie (1)
- Twitter (1)
- Update Propagation (1)
- Wahlforschung (1)
- Welle (1)
- Zeitschrift (1)
- Zustandsmaschine (1)
- assistive robotics (1)
- augmented reality (1)
- balance (1)
- cobot (1)
- ethics (1)
- expert interviews (1)
- human robot interaction (1)
- human-centered design (1)
- human-robot collaboration (1)
- hybrid sensor system (1)
- international comparative study (1)
- media accountability (1)
- neutrality (1)
- normalisation (1)
- participatory design (1)
- political journalism (1)
- projection (1)
- quality standards (1)
- relevance (1)
- risk management (1)
- role identity (1)
- sensor fusion (1)
- shared user control (1)
- state machine (1)
- television news coverage (1)
- user acceptance (1)
- virtual reality (1)
- visual cues (1)
- visualization techniques (1)
- watchblogs (1)
Introduction: Drawing tasks are an elementary component of psychological assessment in the evaluation of mental health. With the rise of digitalization not only in psychology but healthcare in general, digital drawing tools (dDTs) have also been developed for this purpose. This scoping review aims at summarizing the state of the art of dDTs available to assess mental health conditions in people above preschool age. Methods: PubMed, PsycInfo, PsycArticles, CINAHL, and Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection were searched for dDTs from 2000 onwards. The focus was on dDTs, which not only evaluate the final drawing, but also process data. Results: After applying the search and selection strategy, a total of 37 articles, comprising unique dDTs, remained for data extraction. Around 75 % of these articles were published after 2014 and most of them target adults (86.5 %). In addition, dDTs were mainly used in two areas: tremor detection and assessment of cognitive states, utilizing, for example, the Spiral Drawing Test and the Clock Drawing Test. Conclusion: Early detection of mental diseases is an increasingly important field in healthcare. Through the integration of digital and art based solutions, this area could expand into an interdisciplinary science. This review shows that the first steps in this direction have already been taken and that the possibilities for further research, e.g., on the optimized application of dDTs, are still open.
Random Forest Classification of Cognitive Impairment Using Digital Tree Drawing Test (dTDT) Data
Early detection and diagnosis of dementia is a major challenge for medical research and practice. Hence, in the last decade, digital drawing tests became popular, showing sometimes even better performance than their paper-and-pencil versions. Combined with machine learning algorithms, these tests are used to differentiate between healthy people and people with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) or early Alzheimer’s disease (eAD), commonly using data from the Clock Drawing Test (CDT). In this investigation, a Random Forest Classification (RF) algorithm is trained on digital Tree Drawing Test (dTDT) data, containing socio-medical information and process data of 86 healthy people, 97 people with MCI, and 74 people with eAD. The results indicate that the binary classification works well for homogeneous groups, as demonstrated by a sensitivity of 0.85 and a specificity of 0.9 (AUC of 0.94). In contrast, the performance of both binary and multiclass classification degrades for groups with het erogeneous characteristics, which is reflected in a sensitivity of 0.91 and 0.29 and a specificity of 0.44 and 0.36 (AUC of 0.74 and 0.65), respectively. Nevertheless, as the early detection of cognitive impairment becomes increasingly important in healthcare, the results could be useful for models that aim for automatic identification
The disruptive nature of the changing media landscape and technology-driven advances in communication have led to innovative ways of organizing work in the information and communication industry. This reorganization of work is reflected in the concept of New Work, which rethinks working concepts, styles, and employee behavior. Based on a survey among staff in the information and communication industry (n = 380), this study investigates the status quo of the implementation of New Work measures and their effectiveness in helping companies reach organizational goals. The results show that New Work measures are widely adopted although there is still unused potential. Moreover, the study demonstrates that the implementation of New Work measures supports companies in achieving New Work goals as well as overall organizational goals in the contexts of agile management, change management, internal communication, and evaluation.
Media Brand Management
The management of media brands faces challenges. In order to be able to point out possible solutions, this article first explains the concept and the nature of “media brands.” Subsequently, various theoretical approaches to the explanation of media brands and their management are presented. Regardless of theoretical preferences, it is important to keep in mind the brand-strategic complexity of media management that is subsequently described. Due to their specificity, special attention is paid to the basic strategic positioning options and to the communication management of media brands. In this way, the special features of media brand management become clear in comparison with other products and services.
Wie wählen Nachrichtenmedien aus, worüber sie berichten? Dieser Frage versuchen Nachrichtenwertforschende seit vielen Jahren auf den Grund zu gehen. Die Nachrichtenwertforschung ist eine der traditionsreichsten Forschungsrichtungen der Journalismusforschung, die bis zum heutigen Tag aktuell ist. Begründet wurde sie bereits in den 1920er-Jahren von Walter Lippmann, internationale Bekanntheit erfuhr sie durch Johan Galtung und Mari Holmboe Ruge, die 1965 eine Liste von Nachrichtenfaktoren entwickelten und diese empirisch überprüften. Es folgten unzählige empirische Untersuchungen zu diesem Thema, die sich an einer Weiterentwicklung der Theorie versuchten. Der vorliegende Beitrag gibt einen Überblick über die Entwicklungsgeschichte der Nachrichtenwertforschung und skizziert, was Forschende heutzutage an der Thematik interessiert.
Journalism and Advertising. On the Separation of Editorial Content and Commercial Communication
The principle of separation between editorial content and commercial communication protects both the democratic and the commercial function of mass media. This article compiles all available statutory and professional regulations in Germany as an example of the various aspects of the principle of separation, such as the labeling obligation, the prohibition of paid content and tying transactions, as well as the handling of numerous forms of presentation of editorial advertising. Subsequently, the state of research is reported for the individual aspects of the principle of separation, in particular with regard to description and effect. Finally, proposed solutions for current application and desiderata are compiled.
Journalismus und Werbung. Zur Trennung von redaktionellen Inhalten und kommerzieller Kommunikation
Der Trennungsgrundsatz zwischen redaktionellen Inhalten und kommerzieller Kommunikation schützt sowohl die Demokratie- wie auch die Werbeträgerfunktion von Massenmedien. Dieser Beitrag stellt für die diversen Aspekte des Trennungsgrundsatzes wie die Kennzeichnungspflicht, das Verbot von bezahlten Inhalten und Kopplungsgeschäften sowie die Handhabung zahlreicher Darstellungsformen redaktioneller Werbung alle verfügbaren gesetzlichen und standesrechtlichen Regelungen zusammen. Anschließend wird für die einzelnen Aspekte des Trennungsgrundsatzes der Stand der Forschung insbesondere hinsichtlich Beschreibung und Wirkung referiert. Schließlich werden Lösungsvorschläge für die aktuelle Anwendung und Desiderata zusammengetragen.
Kompensationsgeschäfte sind als Kopplungsgeschäfte medienrechtlich verboten. Laut Berichten von Praktiker*innen sind sie jedoch alltägliches Werkzeug im Austausch zwischen Journalist*innen und Verlagen einerseits sowie PR-Akteur*innen und Werbungtreibenden andererseits. Auf Grundlage kommunikationswissenschaftlicher, medienrechtlicher und betriebswirtschaftlicher Literatur sowie einer Befragung von 37 Expert*innen aus der Kommunikationsbranche wird untersucht, welche Formen von Kompensationsgeschäften in der Praxis existieren und welche Rolle Kompensationsgeschäfte im Wechselverhältnis von Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und Journalismus spielen. In der alltäglichen Berufspraxis mancher Branchen und Redaktionen werden im Ergebnis mit großer Selbstverständlichkeit Kompensationsgeschäfte genutzt. Daher wird nach einem definitorischen Abgleich von Induktionen, Adaptionen und Kompensationen eine Erweiterung des Intereffikationsmodells vorgeschlagen.
Der Datenjournalismus wird gleichermaßen stark in der Nachrichtenbranche beobachtet und in der Journalismusforschung reflektiert. Dieser Beitrag beschreibt das Phänomen zunächst im Kontext des Megatrends der Automatisierung des Journalismus. Anschließend wird die erste Trendstudie zum Da-tenjournalismus in Deutschland vorgestellt: Die Berufsfeldstudie war 2012 und 2019 im Feld. Die ge-wählten Items ermöglichen einen Längsschnitt-Vergleich der Entwicklung des Datenjournalismus. Bei einem Vergleich mit den nationalen Daten der „Worlds of Journalism Study“ werden weitere Gemein-samkeiten und Unterschiede deutlich. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass sich der Datenjournalismus in Deutschland zunehmend institutionalisiert hat und Datenjournalist:innen sich stark einem investigati-ven politischen Journalismus verpflichtet fühlen.
Robot arms are one of many assistive technologies used by people with motor impairments. Assistive robot arms can allow people to perform activities of daily living (ADL) involving grasping and manipulating objects in their environment without the assistance of caregivers. Suitable input devices (e.g., joysticks) mostly have two Degrees of Freedom (DoF), while most assistive robot arms have six or more. This results in time-consuming and cognitively demanding mode switches to change the mapping of DoFs to control the robot. One option to decrease the difficulty of controlling a high-DoF assistive robot arm using a low-DoF input device is to assign different combinations of movement-DoFs to the device’s input DoFs depending on the current situation (adaptive control). To explore this method of control, we designed two adaptive control methods for a realistic virtual 3D environment. We evaluated our methods against a commonly used non-adaptive control method that requires the user to switch controls manually. This was conducted in a simulated remote study that used Virtual Reality and involved 39 non-disabled participants. Our results show that the number of mode switches necessary to complete a simple pick-and-place task decreases significantl when using an adaptive control type. In contrast, the task completion time and workload stay the same. A thematic analysis of qualitative feedback of our participants suggests that a longer period of training could further improve the performance of adaptive control methods.
Nowadays, robots are found in a growing number of areas where they collaborate closely with humans. Enabled by lightweight materials and safety sensors, these cobots are gaining increasing popularity in domestic care, where they support people with physical impairments in their everyday lives. However, when cobots perform actions autonomously, it remains challenging for human collaborators to understand and predict their behavior, which is crucial for achieving trust and user acceptance. One significant aspect of predicting cobot behavior is understanding their perception and comprehending how they “see” the world. To tackle this challenge, we compared three different visualization techniques for Spatial Augmented Reality. All of these communicate cobot perception by visually indicating which objects in the cobot’s surrounding have been identified by their sensors. We compared the well-established visualizations Wedge and Halo against our proposed visualization Line in a remote user experiment with participants suffering from physical impairments. In a second remote experiment, we validated these findings with a broader non-specific user base. Our findings show that Line, a lower complexity visualization, results in significantly faster reaction times compared to Halo, and lower task load compared to both Wedge and Halo. Overall, users prefer Line as a more straightforward visualization. In Spatial Augmented Reality, with its known disadvantage of limited projection area size, established off-screen visualizations are not effective in communicating cobot perception and Line presents an easy-to-understand alternative.
360° UAV Flight in a collapse test setup at the German Resuce Robotik Center
This Article introduces two research projects towards assistive robotic arms for people with severe body impairments. Both projects aim to develop new control and interaction designs to promote accessibility and a better performance for people with functional losses in all four extremities, e.g. due to quadriplegic or multiple sclerosis. The project MobILe concentrates on using a robotic arm as drinking aid and controlling it with smart glasses, eye-tracking and augmented reality. A user oriented development process with participatory methods were pursued which brought new knowledge about the life and care situation of the future target group and the requirements a robotic drinking aid needs to meet. As a consequence the new project DoF-Adaptiv follows an even more participatory approach, including the future target group, their family and professional caregivers from the beginning into decision making and development processes within the project. DoF-Adaptiv aims to simplify the control modalities of assistive robotic arms to enhance the usability of the robotic arm for activities of daily living. lo decide on exemplary activities, like eating or open a door, the future target group, their family and professional caregivers are included in the decision making process. Furthermore all relevant stakeholders will be included in the investigation of ethical, legal and social implications as well as the identification of potential risks. This article will show the importance of the participatory design for the development and research process in MobILe and DoF-Adaptiv.
Recommendations for the Development of a Robotic Drinking and Eating Aid - An Ethnographic Study
Being able to live independently and self-determined in one’s own home is a crucial factor or human dignity and preservation of self-worth. For people with severe physical impairments who cannot use their limbs for every day tasks, living in their own home is only possible with assistance from others. The inability to move arms and hands makes it hard to take care of oneself, e.g. drinking and eating independently. In this paper, we investigate how 15 participants with disabilities consume food and drinks. We report on interviews, participatory observations, and analyzed the aids they currently use. Based on our findings, we derive a set of recommendations that supports researchers and practitioners in designing future robotic drinking and eating aids for people with disabilities.
Background: Priority during the SARS-CoV2 pandemic is that employees need to be protected from infection risks and business activities need to be ensured. New virus variants with increased infection risks require an evolved risk strategy.
Material and methods: Several standard measures such as testing, isolation and quarantine are com-bined to a novel risk strategy. Epidemiological model calculations and scientific knowledge about the course of SARS-CoV2 infectivity are used to optimize this strategy. The procedure is implemented in an easy-to-use calculator based on Excel.
Layout in practice and results: Alternative combinations of measures and practical aspects are dis-cussed. Example calculations are used to demonstrate the effect of the discussed measures.
Conclusion: That quarantine calculator derived from these principles enables even non-specialists to perform a differentiated risk analysis and to introduce optimized measures. Targeted testing routines and alternative measures ensure staff availability.
Management von Medienmarken
We investigate the possibility to use update propagation methods for optimizing the evaluation of continuous queries. Update propagation allows for the efficient determination of induced changes to derived relations resulting from an explicitly performed base table update. In order to simplify the computation process, we propose the propagation of updates with different degrees of granularity which corresponds to an incremental query evaluation with different levels of accuracy. We show how propagation rules for diferent update granularities can be systematically derived, combined and further optimized by using Magic Sets. This way, the costly evaluation of certain subqueries within a continuous query can be systematically circumvented allowing for cutting down on the number of pipelined tuples considerably.
Background: Emotions play a central role in mental disorder and especially in depression. They are sensed in the body, and it has recently been shown in healthy participants that these sensations can be differentiated between emotions. The aim of the current study was to assess bodily sensations for basic emotions induced by emotion eliciting pictures in depression.
Methods: 30 healthy controls (HC), 30 individuals suffering from Major depressive disorder (MDD) without medication use (MDDnm) and 30 individuals with MDD with medication use (MDDm) were shown emotional and neutral pictures and were asked to paint areas in an empty body silhouette where they felt an increase or decrease in activation. Body sensation maps were then calculated and statistical pattern recognition applied.
Results Results indicated statistically separable activation patterns for all three groups. MDDnm showed less overall activation than HCs, especially in sadness and fear, while MDDm showed stronger deactivation for all emotions than the other two groups.
Conclusions: We could show that emotion experience was associated with bodily sensations that are weaker in depression than in healthy controls and that antidepressant medication was correlated with an increased feeling of bodily deactivation.
Results give insights into the relevance for clinicians to acknowledge bodily sensations in the treatment of depression.
This technical report is about the architecture and integration of commercial UAVs in Search and Rescue missions. We describe a framework that consists of heterogeneous UAVs, a UAV task planner, a bridge to the UAVs, an intelligent image hub, and a 3D point cloud generator. A first version of the framework was developed and tested in several training missions in the EU project TRADR.
Soziale Netzwerke dienen politischen Kandidaten dazu, Bürgerinnen und Bürger ungefiltert mit ihren Botschaften zu erreichen. Während des Wahlkampfes spielt die TV-Berichterstattung allerdings noch immer eine wichtige Rolle. Die vorliegende Analyse zeigt am Beispiel von Angela Merkel und Martin Schulz, dass die Profile der Kanzlerkandidaten während des Bundestagswahlkampfes 2017 über keine Thematisierungsmacht für das Fernsehen verfügten. Die Kandidaten vermochten es nicht, ihre Inhalte mithilfe ihrer Auftritte in den sozialen Netzwerken in die großen TV-Nachrichtenmagazine zu transferieren. tagesthemen und heute journal blieben in ihrer Darstellung unabhängig von den Eigendarstellungen der Kandidaten. Ferner zeigt die Analyse, dass sich das Fernsehen stark auf die Performance der Kandidaten konzentrierte, während politische Inhalte im Rahmen der Berichterstattung seltener thematisiert wurden. Merkel verweigerte sich weitgehend inhaltlicher Debatten über soziale Netzwerke; Schulz schaffte es nicht, mit seinen Botschaften zu punkten.
Papierloses Krankenhaus
IT-Schutzmaßnahmen sind kein Selbstzweck. Mit Hilfe von IT-Schutzmaßnahmen kann das Risiko bei der Nutzung von IT-System reduziert werden. In diesem Artikel werden die Kosten der IT-Schutzmaßnahmen aus unterschiedlichen Blickwinkeln betrachtet. Da eine IT-Schutzmaßnahme eine Investition für die Zukunft ist, sollten die Kosten-Nutzen-Aspekte schon bei der Planung besonders berücksichtigt werden.
Die Sportpresse hat gegenüber anderen Medien einen fundamentalen Aktualitätsnachteil und muss verstärkt als Komplementärmedium agieren, um für ansprechende Inhalte zu sorgen. Fraglich ist neben dem Inhalt jedoch ebenso die Art der Berichterstattung, auf sprachlich-stilistischer und formal-gestalterischer Ebene. Untersucht wird die Berichterstattung (N = 455) der Süddeutschen Zeitung über die Fußball-Europameisterschaften 2000, 2008 und 2016 hinsichtlich eines möglichen Boulevardisierungstrends. Zur Ermittlung eines möglichen Trends wurde ein Boulevardisierungsindex entwickelt. Dem Index kann ein leichter Boulevardisierungstrend für den 16-jährigen Zeitraum entnommen werden. Dabei ist die Berichterstattung besonders zwischen den Jahren 2000 und 2008 boulevardesker geworden. Die Befunde zeigen zudem, dass insgesamt vermehrt auf Boulevardvariablen (z. B. Emotionalisierung) gesetzt wurde, die vor dem Hintergrund journalistischer Qualität als weniger kritisch anzusehen sind.
This paper presents a novel approach to build consistent 3D maps for multi robot cooperation in USAR environments. The sensor streams from unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and ground robots (UGV) are fused in one consistent map. The UAV camera data are used to generate 3D point clouds that are fused with the 3D point clouds generated by a rolling 2D laser scanner at the UGV. The registration method is based on the matching of corresponding planar segments that are extracted from the point clouds. Based on the registration, an approach for a globally optimized localization is presented. Apart from the structural information of the point clouds, it is important to mention that no further information is required for the localization. Two examples show the performance of the overall registration.
Global registration of heterogeneous ground and aerial mapping data is a challenging task. This is especially difficult in disaster response scenarios when we have no prior information on the environment and cannot assume the regular order of man-made environments or meaningful semantic cues. In this work we extensively evaluate different approaches to globally register UGV generated 3D point-cloud data from LiDAR sensors with UAV generated point-cloud maps from vision sensors. The approaches are realizations of different selections for: a) local features: key-points or segments; b) descriptors: FPFH, SHOT, or ESF; and c) transformation estimations: RANSAC or FGR. Additionally, we compare the results against standard approaches like applying ICP after a good prior transformation has been given. The evaluation criteria include the distance which a UGV needs to travel to successfully localize, the registration error, and the computational cost. In this context, we report our findings on effectively performing the task on two new Search and Rescue datasets. Our results have the potential to help the community take informed decisions when registering point-cloud maps from ground robots to those from aerial robots.
This video shows a model computed from 320 images taken at the Tjex 2015 of the trade project ( The images were acquired with a falcan 8 drone (AscTec) and reconstruct the structure with VisualSfm software. The flight was in 150 m. The Tower is about 95 meter high.